Ordering Types
Customers can easily place orders for pickups using our Website and App. Order status is updated in real time to let the customers know when it is ready for pickup.
Orders can be delivered using our Website and App. Integrate your Uber / Postmates Account and start delivering.
Table Bookings
Customers can Book a Table in advance and have it ready to welcome them.
Dine In
Customers can conveniently order food through our Website and App while they are sitting at their table.
Ordering Experience
Real Time Ordering Receipt
Customer get a unique web URL in their email. They can easily track their order status in real time through the link.
Customer Email Receipt
Customers receive an email receipt at the time of order completion. The receipt lists their complete order.
QR Code & NFC Ordering
Dine In orders can be initiated by scanning a QR code or tapping an NFS tag to automatically bring up your website with the table / room number entered and ready to order.
Ordering History
Customer can easity view their ordering history through their registered accounts.
Express Checkout
Customer can easily re-order food from their order history.
Guest Check
Customers can easily check out as guests or via their login accounts. Customer information is tracked for your use.
Order Management
Accept Orders Anytime
Customers can place orders which are due immediately or for a later time within your designated opening hours. Set multiple opening and closing times per day
Order Statuses
Track the fulfilment of orders with built-in order statuses. Customers are notified in real-time whenever you update an order
Automated Statuses
Automatically update order statuses based on the amount of time that has passed since the order was placed. Useful if you have a large volume of orders
Conditional Fees
Configure custom fees based on certain order conditions. Fees can have both a fixed and percent based value. E.g. credit card fee, $0.30 + 2.8%
Audio, Email & Device Notifications
Receive notifications whenever an order is placed. Notifications can be sent to 3 e-mails. Audio can be customised by duration and noise. Devices supporting notifications will receive one
Automated Wait Times
Accurately determine order wait times for every order type to improve your customer experience.
Promos & Coupons
Promotional Codes
Create promo codes for fixed and percent based discounts. Restrict promotions based on a number of different available rules. times per day
Promo Rules
Promos can be targeted to specific dishes, a maximum number of uses or to customers which are logged in. Promos can also be restricted to specific days and times
Automatically Apply Promos
A promo code can be automatically applied to a customers cart if they meet the requirements defined by the promo.
Your Own Hardware
Use any hardware, tablets, PCs or printers without issues. We recommend a Android Tablet tablet or PC for printing compatibility.
Mobile Friendly Online Ordering
Create your custom branded online ordering website that works great across all devices and delivers a great user experience.
iOS & Android Apps
Our Mobile App searches for Restaurants around you and provides the most convenient way to order food.
Real-Time Order Receipt
Keep your customers updated with our real-time order and reservation receipt that updates accordingly.
Real-Time Order Management
Manage orders & bookings in real-time with our admin dashboard and customizable notification system.
Comprehensive Menu Builder
Our menu builder will allow you to create multiple highly customizable menus with various options and combinations.
Automated Order Printing
Automatically print customizable receipts on demand to any number of printers on Windows or Linux devices.
Multi-Store Management
Integrate all your store locations under one easy to use system. Restrict access to each store with staff accounts.
Delivery Management
Acurate Delivery Wait Times
Customers are provided with accurate delivery wait times that take into consideration the time it takes to prepare food along with the driving time.
Delivery Conditions
Configure a minimum order for deliveries, set custom times for deliveries, only accept orders within a certain range of your store.
Delivery Zoning
Create specific delivery zones for each of your store locations and charge a different fee for each zonetime.
Customisable Delivery Pricing
Delivery fees can be a fixed fee, a fee based on the distance to the store or a fee based on the delivery zones for a store location.